Supported by SKT Welfare Dates: 20 – 24 July 2024 Table of Contents Ubuntu facilitators training held in Ubad Gargaar centre Hargeisa Somaliland Advanced training on rehabilitation therapy for the children with disabilities Objectives Making of Developmantal Aids (standing frame and sitting devices) Objectives Ubuntu facilitators training held in Ubad Gargaar centre Hargeisa Somaliland. Ubad Gargaar special needs centre and SKT welfare together they had launched Five days of baby Ubuntu facilitator training, this of training was the first kind of training that is been conducting in Somaliland, the instructor (teacher) travelled from Uganda and she was master trainer of Ubuntu. The total participants of the training were eight, four of them were Ubad Gargaar staff and the rest come from other regions of the country such as Berbera on the east and Borama, on the west during the training the participants they had gain knowledge and experience about Ubuntu program, once they gain the knowledge and skills they will benefit to the other children with disabilities and their parents. At Ubad Gargaar centre, our aim behind training other facilitators is to create access to, and make affordable for the needs of children with disabilities and their family. Understanding of the meaning of Ubuntu, aims and objectives Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’ or fellow feeling; kindness of people with disabilities and their families. Today, it is applied widely and focuses on alternative ways to improve the development of children with disabilities and their caregivers. Baby Ubuntu contains eleven modules and each module focus on specific areas of the children with different kinds of disabilities to develop that area. As showing below diagram Objective of the baby ubuntu facilitation training. To equip participants with skills to care for their child and promote optimum development, and reduce further disability e.g. contractures, limb deformities. To encourage positive attitudes towards having a child with a disability within the family,Promote inclusion of children within the family and community. To increase the knowledge and confidence of care-givers regarding their child’s condition and their needs. To enable early identification and management of malnutrition. To support parents in identifying common health problems, seizures and pain and assist them to treat them quickly. Encouraging parents to utilize everyday activities to positively impact on the development and wellbeing of their child. Improving breast/ bottle feeding techniques and weaning to optimize growth and nutrition in early life. Facilitating good positioning and handling in order to prevent secondary physical problems. Promoting small steps along the developmental pathway at the earliest opportunity (as close to normal developmental progression as possible for each child. Advanced training on rehabilitation therapy for the children with disabilities Objectives Introduce effective and efficient ways to care for cerebral palsy children Build the capacity of the caregivers in handling cerebral palsy and children living with varying disabilities Empower new caregivers and or parent with necessary skills and capacity to manage and care effectively for cerebral palsy children KT welfare also supported financially Ubad Gargaar to train the staffs advance training about rehabilitation of children with disabilities in order to improve the knowledge and skills of the professional staffs who works children with disabilities. The duration of training was 14 days where the participants equip knowledge and skills regarding to rehabilitation therapy of children with different kinds of disabilities to improve their professional skills and knowledge of treatment of child with disabilities. The training was focused on most common condition caused child disabilities like cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, hydrocephalus, and other congenital abnormalities and they had both practical and theory sesions. By adresing the both pracical and theory aspect of rehabilition therpay of the staffs direrecrly will be benefis for children with disabilities to enhence their motor skils , fine skils , cognitive ,psychosocial developments ,fostering their indepedence , participation /inclusionand and improving their overall quality of life . Making of Developmantal Aids (standing frame and sitting devices) Objectives Give access and affordable innovation devices to vulnerable children living with disabilities; Innovate and make supporting devices for distribution to children with disabilities devices for muscular dystrophic children for them to use the devices when at their homes; he children with cerebral palsy and other delayed developmantal milestones completely depend on their parents and caregivers for their daily living activities . In adition the most of children with disabilities who benefts Ubadgargaar services they come from a poor families who could not able to get the approperiate developmental aid for their children with disabilities . To help the children with diabilities SKT welfare suport financialy Ubad Gargaar special needs centre. where by Ubad gargaar carry our assesment on every child condition to make the approperite developmantal aid to use when the children with disabilities at their homes to maximasetheir independents and help for sitting and standing . The children with cerebral palsy and other delayed developmantal milestones wiyh approperiate developmantal aids will help them to achieve developmantal milestones maintal alignments and preventing muscle contracture and deformity. The children will have enough freedom to move and explore which leads them to physical, social psychological developments. Children will be less depedent on their parents and care givers . Ubad Gargaar worshop will conteneu making of approperiate developmantal aid to maximize independent of children with disabilies, Our goals is every child with diasabilities living in somaliland must acces approperiate developmantal aid to improve to improve quality of life.